Day to day responsibility for each parish church (the building, key-holding, church registers etc) rests with the volunteers who are listed below.
Please contact your Churchwarden or Contact Person, who will be pleased to help you.
Our volunteer Reader is Mrs Ann Robinson, who is based in South Luffenham. Please contact Ann through South Luffenham Churchwardens.
Barrowden contact: Mr Chris Barrett (01572 747628)
Duddington Churchwardens: Mr Mark Constant (01780 444 496) & Mrs Sandie Parsons (01780 444 248)
Morcott contact: Mrs Alison Johnson (01572 747381)
South Luffenham Churchwardens: Mr John Saunders (01780 720 688) & Mrs Sally Smith (01780 729 515)
Tixover Churchwardens: Mr Percy Gilman (01780 444 331) Heather Gough (07882685637)
Vicar of the Welland Foss Benefice: Rev Stephen Gamble (01572 748634,
If you would like the Benefice Prayer Team to pray for you, E mail –