Tixover church is dedicated to St Luke. It is the  spiritual heart of Tixover in Rutland, and can be opened every day to welcome villagers, visitors and tourists. The key is on the front door jamb of Manor Farm, Tixover.

SERVICES are held at 9.30am on the third Sunday of every month, following  the Book of Common Prayer.

We also have additional services including Candlemas, Easter, Rogation,Harvest,and a Candlelit Carol Service and Christmas.

Whatever your faith background or tradition, you’re very welcome.

If you have any questions about Tixover church, the Churchwardens are your first point of contact Percy Gilman 01780  444331 or David Gandy 01780  440867.

The History of St Luke’s Church, Tixover


The Church of St Luke’s stands some 3⁄4 mile from the village of Tixover on the bank of the river Welland in the south of the parish.

The approach to the Church is from the north along a farm track through the fields of Manor Farm. While approaching, one is struck by the remoteness of this ancient building from its village. Those who have researched the Church elsewhere will also be aware of the other conundrum concerning its dedication.

On the latter point there is historical evidence that the Church was at some point, dedicated to St Mary Magdalene. Indeed Sir Nicolas Pevsner refers to it by that name in his book, ‘The Buildings of England’. Scholars suggest that it is more likely that a medieval church would have been dedicated to St Mary rather than St Luke; however the Village has looked on St Luke as a patron of its church for many generations now and reversion is very unlikely.

With respect to the isolated position of St Luke’s, there is evidence that an earlier church existed in wooded country immediately to the north of the church. Many theories have been offered to explain why the modern village moved to it’s present position. Often put forward is a move made necessary by plague; but there is no compelling evidence to support this. More likely is the theory that the move was an evolutionary matter to take advantage of the substantial East/West lines of communication becoming established to the north east of the old Village.

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